Think Better
This keynote graphically demonstrates the barriers we all face in thinking productively, and how to overcome them. With an energetic blend of insight and humor, participants learn what many already know in their hearts: that productive thinking is not a gift given to only a few, but a set of skills everyone can cultivate. Whether you work alone or in a group, you’ll think better and do better by using Productive Thinking to unlock your productive thinking and unblock your thinking. Once you learn how to break the thinking patterns holding you back, you’ll be amazed at the wealth of answers already inside you to help you think better, work better, do better.
Quantum Thinking: How to Figure Out What’s Really Going On
We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are. Our perceptions are influenced by our past experiences, our values, our beliefs, our training, our genes and the relative acuity of our senses (some see better than others, hear better than others). No two people can possibly perceive the same stimulus the same way. So if everyone’s sense of what’s going on is unique, who’s to say what’s real and what’s not? In this session, you will learn how understanding percepts can help you figure out what’s really going on!
Gale-Force Thinking:
How to Brainstorm When You’re the Only Cloud in the Room
You already know how to brainstorm, right? But how do you come up with those never-before-thought-of ideas when you can’t or don’t want to work in a group? You will be led through the ThinkX productive thinking model and shown how you can generate more ideas, better ideas, more of the time by discovering the unexpected connections that are the heart of productive thinking. Once you learn how to break the thinking patterns holding you back, you’ll be amazed at the wealth of answers already inside you.
Say Hello to Your Discomfort Zone
In this session Tim will guide you through an exploration of your thinking and feeling discomfort zones: how to recognize them, how to deal with them, and how to use them as a springboard to a more creative, more productive, more rewarding life. Sound like a lot to offer? It is. But you’re guaranteed to come away from this experience at least a little changed. This is a fun, edgy session, characterized by lots of laughter, wrinkled faces, and a few well-placed ahas!
The Creative Brain:
What’s really going on under the lid
Do you ever wonder how to make sense of the neuroscience you read? Do you want to know what’s true, and what’s fancy? What are the current (real) applications of neuroscience to creativity for you, and for how you develop the creative potential of the people around you? Peer inside the brain with this fast-paced, provocative look at the world of neuroscience and creativity from an expert… in both. This thought provoking tour uncovers the practices of the ancient world to the secrets that made BBDO one of the top ad firms of the 20th century. Take a pause from the hurly burly of your everyday work to have some fun, learn about the ‘people’ side of creativity, and expand your thinking forever.
The presenter of this talk is Dr. Marc Hurwitz. Marc holds a PhD in cognitive neuroscience and is a long-time ThinkX Consulting Partner.
Audience Comments
Simple, practical ideas presented with humour that can be easily incorporated into day-to-day thinking.
–Public Works Canada
I treasure the information you passed on to us and expect to use it in the near future in at least two situations in my work.
–Retired Environmental Professional
Tim was a hit – everyone enjoyed his talk. We have always had IT speakers at our annual event and decided, this year, to try for something more motivational and less technical. Thanks to Tim, it worked!
–Agriculture Canada
Very interesting and absolutely relevant to our success.
A truly unique combination of inspiration, fun, and practical, use-it-now information. You really got our conference off to a great start!
–RBC Royal Bank
You made a tremendous contribution to the conference! All the feedback I’ve received on your talk was very positive, and many commented on how your facilitation really tied it all together. I’m staring at 800 notecards that contain some great ideas for improving forest management!
Your session received ratings of ‘very good’ and ‘excellent’ only. To be more precise, there was one ‘very good’. All the rest were ‘excellent’. Thanks again for your presence. You made the organizers look good.
–Responsible Gambling Council
Your sessions were the ones I was most looking forward to attending at this conference, and I found your sessions exhilarating to say the least. This was my first time to attend the CASE senior communicators, and your sessions were the absolute best.
–CASE (Council for Advancement and Support of Education)
I personally cannot say enough great info about Tim.
–Girl Scouts of the USA
Your ability to gain intimacy was remarkable.
The feedback on your presentation was incredible…and you were right…constant comments that your speech wasn’t long enough… Well done.
–Universal Music
I can’t wait to try some of the techniques that Tim is suggesting.
–CASE (Council for the Advancement and Support of Education)
Wow!! Your keynote presentation was amazing, inspiring, and so meaningful to all who were fortunate to participate…You are truly a motivational speaker and successfully challenged us to think more creatively and improve the way in which we work with others.
–Nova Scotia Gaming Corporation
This was wonderful. He holds your attention and offers info. That is so important. Fantastic speaker!
–Girl Scouts of the USA
[Tim Hurson] is spectacular in large groups. He manages to engage everyone, using many compelling metaphors and images to better tell his story. He makes you laugh and think at the same time. He is very profound, yet he uses humor and doesn’t take himself seriously. The result is a refreshing, inspiring and energizing experience.
–RBC Financial Group
Wonderful speaker!
–Girl Scouts of the USA
Just to let you know the feedback was overwhelmingly enthusiastic. You really connected with everyone and it was a very much needed eye opener for folks here. People kept thanking me after for this, and with that, I thank you!
–ATI Technologies Inc.
A great, inspiring leader. Tim is a gift.
I found your whole presentation inspirational and fun! It was loaded with big juicy things to think about and ideas for growth.
–Public Works Canada
Great presentation. Fluid, informative, humourous, touching.
–Public Works Canada
Your words were thoughtful and thought-provoking. I think that many people left the event yesterday, feeling inspired and contemplating what they can do to affect change in their own lives and in the lives of others, largely as a result of the words you shared.
Simple concepts, seldom used! I can focus on them to achieve success.
–Conference Board
I would have enjoyed an entire day with Tim. Some of the cobwebs in my mind were dusted out. I can’t wait to go back to work.
–Girl Scouts of the USA
Great stuff that I’d love to share with my co-workers.
–Raytheon Corporation
You are truly a terrific speaker.
–Catholic Teachers Federation
I was impressed with the way in which you were able to work with such a diverse group of delegates and panelists and accomplish impressive results in a somewhat compressed timeframe.
–Ontario Ministry of Public Safety and Security
[Tim Hurson] is very professional and disciplined, he gives you always more than what you are paying for. A great speaker to have in your session.
–RBC Financial Group
You gave us some valuable tools that will help us think about others and ourselves more constructively.
–CASE (Council for Advancement and Support of Education)
Wonderful speaker. He was able to take information that we all know and teach it to us for the first time.
–Benchmark Hospitality
Thanks again for a great talk at our Agents’ weekend. Your presentation was the perfect start to what turned out to be one of the best weekends we have ever put together.
–Hadrian Manufacturing
Tim is a fantastic speaker. He engages the audience, while really making you think.
–CASE (Council for Advancement and Support of Education)
–Girl Scouts of the USA
Would love to have a to have a tape of your presentation. Makes me want to start next year’s marketing plan.
I believe we had one of the best AGMs in years, your part certainly was a significant contribution.
–Association of British Columbia Professional Foresters